Four Tips For Solo Travel Tours

Four Tips For Solo Travel Tours

Blog Article

Traveling alone can be rewarding and exciting-it is important to get some personal time away from the rigors of daily life. Planning a solo travel tour can be stressful, though, especially if you are not familiar with your intended destination. Use these tips to make your next solo trip fun and relaxing-and to keep yourself safe.

1. Tour with a travel company. Tour operators like Classic Journeys plan for single travelers. Classic Journeys claims that about one third of their guests travel on their own, so it's likely you'll make new friends in your tour group. Also, going on a solo travel tour with a group of people and a local guide who knows the culture will help you stay safe-you'll have someone to answer your questions and fellow travelers to watch your back.

2. Watch out for the single supplement. The travel industry is set up to handle people in pairs, so solo travelers often get the shaft. You'll almost always have to pay a supplement for any tour or cruise when you book it on your own, so look for a tour where this fee is minimal. Classic Journeys is one company that makes a real effort to offer lower fees for solo travel tours; they explain, "We keep it to just 15% on average. We only pass along the extra cost hotels charge us, instead of marking it up to make extra profit from you." Sounds like a good deal!

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